
  • An Asset Building program.

    Homeownership Education and Counseling is a program that includes monthly financial empowerment workshops and one-on-one counseling for your homebuying journey plus information on how to access down payment assistance.

    Get the Facts is a free educational and introductory class for those interested in this program before investing a one-time $75 fee.

    We offer this program in Cabarrus, Gaston, Mecklenburg, and Union counties in North Carolina.

    Our Community Heroes program to support CMS and CMPD employees with TrueHomes and DreamKey Partners begins with Get the Facts.

    Get the Facts on this program.

  • An Asset Building Program.

    We offer free one-on-one counseling to help you avoid foreclosure and stay in your home.

    We offer foreclosure prevention in 31 North Carolina counties: Alleghany, Ashe, Brunswick, Buncombe, Cabarrus, Carteret, Cherokee, Cleveland, Columbus, Craven, Cumberland, Edgecombe, Fayetteville, Gaston, Halifax, Haywood, Henderson, Iredell, Jackson, Jones, Macon, McDowell, Mecklenburg, Nash, New Hanover, Pamlico, Polk, Roberson, Rutherford, Union, and Wake.

    Contact us today.

  • An Asset Building program.

    A seasonal program to help low-to-moderate income households prepare their taxes for free.

    Learn more about the program and how to volunteer.

  • A Homeless to Housing program.

    The City Relocation Emergency program is a partnership between Community Link and the City of Charlotte. A referral from 3-1-1 and income are required eligibility for the program.

    Contact Code Enforcement (3-1-1) to determine habitability of your housing. 

  • A Homeless to Housing program.

    We offer free travel vouchers to people escaping domestic violence who have a safe haven elsewhere in the country.

    Contact us.