Mothers Surviving Domestic Abuse

This Mother’s Day will be different for most of us. No big celebrations at home with relatives. No restaurant brunch with the kids. For some families, joyful experiences with Mom will be at a safe distance, whether six feet away or through a screen. We all feel those changes. But imagine celebrating Mother’s Day this year as a single mother who has recently survived domestic violence and homelessness.
November 19, 2021

Meet two of those moms here in Charlotte. Community Link has helped them find safe, decent, affordable places to live and get their children enough to eat during COVID-19. They’re among the bravest women I know, but unfortunately there are still many in need, just like they were. ‍

Kayla fled an abusive husband in December with their three children, including a one- and two-year old. The family moved from one hotel to another until Community Link found them safe housing. When COVID-19 struck, Kayla actually made and donated masks to first responders. She hopes to resume working from home as part of a call center next week.

Faith’s daughter is only 3-weeks old. Her 9-year-old son is autistic. Community Link not only identified housing for the family, we found appropriate services for Faith’s son so Faith can hold a full-time job. Without help from Community Link, this family led by a survivor of domestic violence would have been on the streets.

Community Link serves thousands of individuals and families in 16 counties in North Carolina. About 75% of our customers are single mothers. Many have lost their jobs or been furloughed due to the pandemic. Their children typically relied on school-provided breakfasts and lunches, but can’t now with schools closed. We’re helping to ensure these children don’t go hungry.